Our mission is to enrich the community through healthy, delicious, fresh produce grown right here on the farm, and offer opportunities for quality family fun, playing in the corn maze & pumpkin patch while learning about agriculture.

Here's a peek at News Channel 6's report on our 2010 AG Days farm tour. Check it out! http://kpvi.gsldev.net/story.php?id=28738

Swore Farms Pumpkin Fairy!
Each year toward the end of the pumpkin season, we ask the community to nominate families that have had a hard year. Sometimes they've lost a parent, or are in the hospital, or lost their house to fire--whatever their loss, we try to visit as many of these kids as possible with free pumpkins dropped on their doorstep by the pumpkin fairy. She also visits schools, the pediatric floor at the Hospital, and other well deserving folks. Our Pumpkin Fairy is one of our favorite fall traditions. 
2014: The Worst, Best Year EVER! Thank YOU for making it good.

Dear Pocatello, WE THANK YOU!

With three hospitalizations, a surgery, early frost, monsoon-like rain and everything else this summer, I was feeling worn thin. When the dogs killed our chickens, it was just one more stone over my heart. Chickens sound like a small thing, but the kids named them, and we loved them. I shared my grief and a photo on our Swore Farms facebook page as the kids and I wept. I expected nothing—asked for nothing. But then . . . YOU changed everything. It started with the comments on my post, then neighbors rallied help with Operation Share A Chicken. Local news stations and the Journal contacted us and ran the story. Several people brought in hens and roosters. Schools held penny wars, or donated extra when they came for field trips. Anonymous letters with kind words arrived in the mail, and people told us—every day—that they cared. Farming is our livelihood; it’s hard and heavy work, but you all have lightened that load and we will never forget the love you’ve shown us this year. Last week, a new batch of darling chicks arrived in the mail and I couldn’t stop smiling all day. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for coming out to the maze, for loving our pumpkins, for caring about our family. Thank you, a thousand times, thank you!  Sincerely, Wendy Swore & the Swore Family

*originally published by the Idaho State Journal  letter to the editor.
We Donate to the food bank almost Every Year!
We donated 24,367 lbs of sweet corn to the food bank in 2012. That's well over 2,000 dozen ears! Hopefully it brightened someone's day!

Some years we donate red potatoes, and other years it's corn. We like to put food to good use and not let it go to waste. 

KPVI News Channel 6 highlighted our Farm to School program where our fresh produce goes into local school lunches. You get to see a little of Wendy picking corn in this video.

Ag Days at Swore Farms!


Every year in conjunction with the Highland HS FFA, & Bannock County Farm Bureau, we invite EVERY fourth grader in the Pocatello area to come out and learn about the farm during our AG days program. (That's over 1,000 students)

After a full day learning about Farm Safety, ATV Safety, Soil & Water Conservation, Horticulture, Bee keeping, Agriculture, Power, and much more--even trying their hand at roping! Each child goes home with a bag full of free Red Potatoes that they picked out of the field themselves.

Sweet Corn Donations! in 2011 we had such a bumper crop of yummy sweet corn, that we decided to share the bounty.

We donated over 18,000 pounds of sweet corn to the Food Bank (big thanks to the volunteers who helped pick it with us!)

We've also donated:

20 Dozen to the Veteran's Home

Over 100 dozen to ICAN

50 dozen to ShoBan Community Access Program

15 Dozen to Aid for Friends

...And more every week.

Eagle Scout Projects
In September 2017, We donated the equipment and corn for an Eagle Scout project which brought members of the community together to pick corn for the food bank. They filled 20 pallets with sweet corn which totaled more than 12,300 lbs. We were glad to be a part of the project. We love our community!
Ag in the Classroom, Farm to School, Ag Days
Thousands of 4th graders have gathered our red spuds out of the field to take home.

Harvest for All Fall Can Drive.

Using the Young Farmer and Rancher program from Farm Bureau, we've hosted a can drive each Fall for 3 years which has raised around 2,000 pounds of canned goods for the local Food Bank/Salvation Army. 


2010 Food Drive Totals: You donated over 860lbs of food that was picked up the the Pocatello Food Bank at the end of October. THANK YOU for making a difference!